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Chapter 16 photos
Fotos del Capítulo 16

Off to Thunder Bay, Ontario to meet Andrew's family
A Thunder Bay, Ontario, para conocer a la familia de Andrew.

Andrew and his nana
Andrew y su nana

Andrew and his aunt Joanne
Andrew y su tia Joanne

My cousin Kate
Mi Prima Kate

The tree farm
La granja de arboles

Kekabeca Falls
Cascada Kekabeca


Thanks for taking good care of us cuz
Gracias por cuidar de nosotros, prima

With Andrew and his nana
Con Andrew y su nana

Pictures of Andrew everywhere
Fotos de Andrew por todos lados

Little Andrew
Andrew de pequeno

At the airport right before Andrew put his foot in his
mouth on our way home.
En el aeropuerto antes que Andrew metiera la pata

Our first Christmas eve together
Nuestra primera navidad juntos

Hat ring toss
lanzamiento de anillos

Love the tie
amo la corbata

Caleb the magnificant
Caleb el magnifico

Such a good night with friends
Noche buena con amigos

Christmas morning
La manana de navidad

So many presents to unwrap
Bastantes regalos por desenvolver

Even Baxter was spoiled
Incluso Baxter fue consentido

A Christmas to remember
Una navidad para recordar
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